Eventchain is listed on Bitcratic

1 min readNov 4, 2019


We are Happy to Announce: — Eventchain (EVC) is listed on Bitcratic

Eventchain (EVC) is listed on Bitcratic. All transactions are done through Smart contract on ethereum Blockchain. You don’t need to Register/Login to Trade on Bitcratic. You can just use Meta Mask/Mew/Ledger Neno to trade. No custody of tokens/eth is done by exchange. User uses their wallet to trade.

Pair available for trading: EVC-ETH
Trading Link: https://www.bitcratic.com/#!/trade/EVC-ETH

About Eventchain

Our Team understands events and most importantly what it takes to organize memorable and powerful live experiences. At EventChain, we believe that bringing people together is essential for communities and we want to support the event organizers, artists and producers who make that happen.
Because over $8 billion in tickets were scalped or counterfeited last year, we created a secure ticketing platform that fans, artists and event creators can

About Bitcratic

Bitratic is a decentralized exchange for ERC 20 Tokens. Bitcratic use off-chain order book with On-chain settlement. The objective of the Blockchain is to decentralize the world. Bitcratic is here to empower the decentralized exchange.

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Written by Bitcratic

Bitcratic is a Decentralized Ethereum Exchange for ERC20 Tokens. Trade any ERC20 Tokens.

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