We are Happy to Announce: — Banque Universal Coin (CBU) is listed on Bitcratic
Banque Universal Coin (CBU) is listed on Bitcratic. All transactions are done through Smart contract on ethereum Blockchain. You don’t need to Register/Login to Trade on Bitcratic. You can just use Meta Mask/Mew/Ledger Neno to trade. No custody of tokens/eth is done by exchange. User uses their wallet to trade.
Pair available for trading: CBU-ETH
Trading Link: https://www.bitcratic.com/#!/trade/CBU-ETH
About Banque Universal Coin (CBU)
The aim for CBU is to create a value in the world of digital currencies , meaning the income generated from the sales to backup the CBU with value. The cryptocurrency future will tie itself in the communities through trust and this will be most likely happen through asset links where there will be a market value to compare both the cryptocurrency and the asset(s) itself.
Another aim of CBU is to be solid in its price for to serve local /cross border payments to financial institutions independently of where they are located, whereby any kind of other financial needs can be serviced on the same philosophy.
As the progress moves on , the further development of CBU its own E-Wallet will be completed , whereby the E-Wallet will serve to accommodate the traditional banking services with further integrations of the crypto currencies for book value / entry and transactions.
During the year of 2019 the launch of our own Exchange will follow to service CBU expansion and other projects that will have the access based on our KYC Policies the access to join. The Platform will give access to financial institutions to handle their settlement and fix their compensations through our Exchange and be able to service also their clients through our platform.
About Bitcratic
Bitratic is a decentralized exchange for ERC 20 Tokens. Bitcratic use off-chain order book with On-chain settlement. The objective of the Blockchain is to decentralize the world. Bitcratic is here to empower the decentralized exchange.
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