We are Happy to Announce: — Atlant Token (ATL) is listed on Bitcratic
Atlant Token (ATL) is listed on Bitcratic. All transactions are done through Smart contract on ethereum Blockchain. You don’t need to Register/Login to Trade on Bitcratic. You can just use Meta Mask/Mew/Ledger Neno to trade. No custody of tokens/eth is done by exchange. User uses their wallet to trade.
Pair available for trading: ATL-ETH
Trading Link: https://www.bitcratic.com/#!/trade/ATL-ETH
About Atlant Token
ATLANT (ATL) is a cryptocurrency token and operates on the Ethereum platform. ATLANT Platform is building a next generation global real-estate platform based on blockchain technology. They are using cryptofinancing for growth capital rather than traditional venture capital and shareholders.
About Bitcratic
Bitratic is a decentralized exchange for ERC 20 Tokens. Bitcratic use off-chain order book with On-chain settlement. The objective of the Blockchain is to decentralize the world. Bitcratic is here to empower the decentralized exchange.
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