Armacoin Win Free Listing on Bitcratic through Voting Competition
We are happy to announce Armacoin as winner of the week (21st to 28th Oct2019). Every Monday we pickup most voted token. One Project is selected for listing on Bitcratic. For more details on Voting Competition please visit
Pair available for trading: GZM-ETH
Trading Link:!/trade/GZM-ETH
About Armacoin
Armacoin GZM coin is specially designed for advertising companies, as well as various media, as well as various greetings registered on the basis of blockchain. Each new message will not be overwritten by the previous one, but will be supplemented. These advertisers will receive payment for their advertising message. The cost of this one message will be 1 GZM. In this coin added to the function set-messeng messendzh and the global variable that is permanently stored in the blockchain. The Set-message function adds a line to the Message function and for this, 1 GZM is removed from the account of the one who calls this function and transfers this 1 GZM to the advertiser’s account. This coin is like a prototype of a Billboard, where the owners of this token, that is, advertisers for 1 GZM to place a message in the contract line. The advertiser can place this message on billboards in cities, on websites and all visitors will see what is specified in the global parameter of the message.
About Bitcratic
Bitratic is a decentralized exchange for ERC 20 Tokens. Bitcratic use off-chain order book with On-chain settlement. The objective of the Blockchain is to decentralize the world. Bitcratic is here to empower the decentralized exchange.
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